Which game to play at a party?
Entertainment for a party: This is your task. Not easy, is it? It's normal to feel stressed, the mood of the party is your responsibility, it's a big one.
But you can relax because we're here to give you some ideas of how to make the evening a success.
By party we mean: family dinner, party with friends, pyjama party and also wedding party, bachelor party, birthday etc.
A successful party mixes several criteria including the decoration, the quality of the food and, most importantly, the entertainment, which must be original!
Here are our suggestions for games to have a good evening.
There are many games to set the mood for a party, whether it's a small or large event.
There are the classic games that are always popular.
The post-it game.
To liven up a family meal or to have fun with friends, the post-it game is great!
Each player writes the name of a character or object on a post-it note and sticks it on the forehead of the person next to them. Then each player has to guess which name or object is written on his or her post-it by asking questions to the others. The other players can only answer Yes or No. If the answer is "No", it is the next player's turn to try.
If you do not have this game at home, you can make one yourself. Use slates, paper or a whiteboard.
The goal is to get your team to guess as many words as possible by drawing them. You are not allowed to speak or mime. You can only draw.
The famous Dare or Truth.
Everyone knows the principle of this famous game. You take turns or spin a bottle in the middle of the table to choose between a Dare or a Truth.
The other players will choose your action or the question. Lying is prohibited!
The 12 objects game.
This game does not require much preparation and is always a great success at weddings and birthdays.
The presenter has to choose 12 people. These people come to the scene or stand out from the main group. The host tells the players to collect an object. In our example, the players have to find a belt. Each player has to return to their seat with a belt.
The player who has not found a belt or who returns to his seat last has a "dare".
The game continues until the 12th object is found or until there is only one player left.
Above we have provided a short list of ideas for a party, wedding, birthday or other event. If you need ideas for games to entertain an evening with friends, a small group or a family meal, it's here ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Your evening with friends or your family meal is coming up and you need some ideas to animate this moment. Make your guests laugh by choosing an animation or an activity among those we suggest below.
Maybe you'll come up with some game ideas yourself! Happiness guaranteed.
The Escape Room kit.
Give your guests and friends an activity that is out of the ordinary: the home Escape Room.
Just like the real Escape Room, this one can be played at home. You have the possibility to buy it and receive it in paper version (within 24 to 48 hours) but you also have the digital option. The game is immediately available in your mailbox: print it out or play it from your computer or smartphone.
Decorate your home, choose some background music. You have 1h30 to find the solution. GO!
If you have time to spare, order your kit in paper format and receive it in a few days.
This game to be played in the evening is very popular at the moment, original and unusual, it sets the mood every time.
In the same style, we have the treasure hunt. Not forgetting the real escape rooms which are played in specialised establishments. Discover our TOP 10 of the most original escapes rooms. You may have one near you 🧐
The video game tournament.
For gamers and video game lovers, why not organize a competition with your favourite team game like FIFA, PES, NBA or Tennis World Tour.
Create awards and trophies for the winner(s) of the competition.
The advantage of this game is that you don't necessarily have to be in the same room. These games can be played online.
If sports video games are not your thing, why not organize a virtual escape game with friends? Just to shake things up a bit.
Board games. A classic but always fun.
At parties with friends or at family dinners, we still love board games.
Here are some ideas for games to have fun in the evening :
- Cards Against Humanity (A tip: Play with your friends instead, not your parents! Well, that's just a tip 🤪)
- Code names: The objective is to match as many words as possible. One person in your team has to choose a word intended to make people guess several of them. The word "stable" could become the cards "horses", "ranch" and "cow" for example.
- Time's Up! Party: the game where you have to guess as many cards as possible in a given time.
- Pandemic: A stressful and immersive game full of subtlety.
You now have several ideas for your evening games. If you got any ideas from reading this text, then we are very happy! 😁
The crazy evening is only waiting for you now.